LaFontaine Lincoln Flushing

Electric Vehicle Dealer near Flint MI

Electric Vehicle Dealer near Flint MI Electric Vehicle Dealer near Flint MI

Now’s the time to jump in, take the plunge, and get your new electric vehicle (EV). We’re happy to welcome Flint, MI, drivers not yet on board to try out these cars in person at our dealer. You’ll see and understand what makes them special and learn what differentiates them from the rest of the EV crowd when you visit LaFontaine Lincoln.

Explore Our Electric Vehicle Inventory

Dip your toes in by exploring our electric vehicle inventory through our website. Go to our New inventory, choose the Fuel Type button, and then select Hybrid. This will lead you to models like the Lincoln Aviator and the Lincoln Corsair, which both offer hybrid power. This means you get an electric motor paired with a gasoline engine.

If you’ve come up with a list of your favorites, you’ll get an even better perspective when you stop by our dealership. Sales specialists, well-versed in our Lincoln and EV lineup, can explain how they operate and what unique features they offer. Feel free to ask any questions regarding the EV lifestyle and what it takes to care of this type of car.

Lincoln Aviator
Finance Guidance and Shopping Tools to Use

Your finance plan should accommodate your lifestyle, budget, and the parameters you prefer. To feel comfortable with your plan, we suggest that you discuss your circumstances and driving goals with a finance advisor at our dealership. They can guide you through every step and give you tools that make the entire process more streamlined and understandable.

The shopping tools we provide can be used online and as many times as you wish. You’ll find a payment calculator and trade appraisal tool. The latter gives you the estimated monthly payment so that you can forecast your budget. The trade appraisal tool offers the estimated market value of your car so that you can see how much of a down payment you'll have.

We Know What Makes Your EV Tick

An EV requires fewer maintenance visits, so we’ll be seeing less of you. To ensure that your EV keeps up with your busy pace, you’ll want to take it to a service center that understands what makes your car tick. That’s why you’ll want to bring your car back to our service center when it could use a tune-up or inspection.

Tires still need your attention, whether you’re checking the tire pressure or need a tire rotation. A rotation switches the front tires with the rear tires to ensure they wear out at the same rate. If your tires need an alignment adjustment, we’re first in line to help. The same goes for when you need a new set of tires.

EV charging
Blast from the Past near Flint MI

Places near Flint, MI, show how life was led hundreds of years ago, which is a great juxtaposition to the modern age of electric cars.

Take a ride on the Huckleberry Railroad and make your first stop at Crossroads Village. You’ll see demonstrations given by period-clothed guides at the corn mill, apple press, and blacksmith. It’s a blast from the past and enjoyable in light of the EV you’re now driving.

Jump into the Electric Vehicle Dealer near Flint MI

Take the plunge and get an electric vehicle to ride near Flint, Michigan, and anywhere else you can think of. We’re excited by the prospect of showing you what an EV can do at our dealer, LaFontaine Lincoln. Reserve a test drive at LaFontaine Lincoln today.

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